Report Writing for NDIS at Not Just Bendy (updated June 2024)


Striking a Balance: Patient Care and Staff Well-Being

At Not Just Bendy Hypermobility Services, we are committed to offering exceptional care to our clients, which includes supporting your journey with the NDIS. However, it’s important for us to share our perspective on report writing:

    1. High Demand, Limited Resources: While we understand the importance of NDIS reports in accessing necessary support, the demand for these reports can be overwhelming. Our resources, especially in terms of staff time and energy, are finite.
    2. Ensuring Staff Well-Being: The process of writing detailed NDIS reports is time-consuming and can be stressful, potentially leading to therapist burnout. Our top priority is the health and well-being of our staff, as they are the cornerstone of the quality care we provide.
    3. Selective Report Writing: In light of these challenges, we are selective in undertaking report-writing tasks. This selectivity includes only completing reports for clients we feel fit the NDIS criteria and who’s applications will be seriously considered by the NDIS.
    4. Our ethics: We will only write in our reports, recommendations that we would be able to testify to in a court of law as being “reasonable and necessary.”  Please do not pressure us to say things that we cannot support from our professional knowledge and experience.
    5. Our Commitment to You: We remain dedicated to supporting our clients as much as possible within these constraints. Our aim is to be transparent about our capabilities and limitations in providing this service.

NDIS Report Writing: For Our Regular Clients

In our commitment to delivering personalized and high-quality care, it’s important to clarify our policy regarding NDIS report writing. Completing reports for the NDIS and access to DSP is complicated and takes a great deal of time.

Due to our skillset predominately being in providing practical-based therapy and our priority being addressing our new patient wait list, we are unfortunately unable to assist with functional capacity assessments/extensive reports. Our waitlist is also closed at this time as it is currently over one year long.

We will continue to provide our existing and ongoing clients with a short supporting letter, but this alone is often insufficient evidence and recommend contacting an occupational therapist for a Functional Capacity Assessment and report. For pre-existing participants applying for a ‘change in your circumstances’ e.g., adding a new diagnosis to their plan. These will be offered subject to the below policy:

    1. Exclusive Service for Regular and Engaged Clients: Our NDIS report writing services are tailored for clients who are regularly engaged with our therapies. For us to consider assisting with writing a short supporting letter, clients must have been attending the clinic for a minimum of three sessions (although more preferred) to ensure we have a current and comprehensive understanding of your function.

    2. Policy for Re-engagement: Clients who have not engaged with our services within the last three months will need to undergo a re-engagement process before we can proceed with NDIS report writing. This involves at least two sessions to reassess your condition and needs, guaranteeing that our reports accurately reflect your current function.

    3. The Report Process: Please see this section below for further information on how we determine if we are able to write a report for you – just attending the clinic unfortunately is not a guarantee.


Reports for NDIS at Not Just Bendy Hypermobility Services

Reports for New NDIS Applicants

For those seeking access to the NDIS for the first time, we are currently only able to offer one option.

    1. A Letter of Support:
      1. Length: 1-3 pages.
      2. Contents: Brief report on diagnosis, impairments, intervention to date (at NJB) and recommendations.
      1. Length: Approximately 20-30 pages
      2. Contents: Includes your diagnosis, explanation of disabilities, detailed treatment history, detailed assessment in NDIS domains (focusing on mobility, self-care, and self-management), standardized questionnaires, objective measurements, and recommendations.

Reports for Existing NDIS Participants

For existing NDIS participants, we provide reports for:

    1. Plan Reassessment/Review Reports: These are essential for the periodic reassessment of your NDIS plan. The report outlines interventions delivered at NJB, evaluates progress towards your goals, outlines any relevant changes in function, and recommend necessary adjustments to your existing plan.

    2. Change of Circumstances Reports: Required when there’s a significant change in your condition or circumstances, necessitating a modification in your NDIS support. These reports will only be completed if the proposed change in circumstance is within the scope of physiotherapy practice.

    3. Other miscellaneous reports: Low/mid cost assistive technology requests and other misc. reports

Please note we do not provide report writing to assist with specialist disability accommodation (SDA) or high-cost assistive technology, as this is out of our scope of clinical practice.


Table 1 – Comparative Cost Table for Different Reports

Report Type
Length Estimate
Cost (per hour rate)
Est. Total Cost/Time required
Payment Timing


Extensive Functional Report (NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE

20-30 pages

Detailed assessment for NDIS application, including diagnosis, treatments, and domain assessments

See breakdown

Approx $1230.00

See details in table 2


Letter of Support

1-3 pages

Brief report on diagnosis, impairments, treatment to date (at NJB) and recommendations.

Hourly rate of clinician

Estimated 1-2 hours, depending on whether specific detail is requested.

One hour deposit prior to commencement. Extra charges paid prior to report being released.

Plan Reassessment/ Review Report


Review/update of NDIS plan (that does not require any major changes)

$193.99/hr   – plan managed

$Private clinician fees/hr – self-managed

1-3 hrs 

As time is spent it is billed on the same day

Change of Circumstances Report (Extensive NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE)



Brief outline of change in participant’s circumstances and impact on physiotherapy management.

$193.99/hr –  plan managed

$Private clinician fees/hr – self-managed


As time is spent it is billed on the same day

Miscellaneous Report. 


Low/Mid cost Assistive technology requests

$193.99/hr – plan managed

$Private clinician fees/hr – self-managed


As time is spent it is billed on the same day

Note: Costs are indicative. For more info on our pricing tiers please visit: Prices are subject to change.


The Report Process for Letters of Support for Access

    1. Getting to know you: Our physiotherapists spend time understanding your unique situation. This initial phase is crucial for us to provide a report that truly reflects your needs. Regular attendance in physiotherapy is vital for a strong NDIS application, where the disability results in physical impairments.

    2. Eligibility Assessment: You must satisfy the following:
      1. Under the age of 65 years old
      2. Have obtained an official diagnosis from a medical specialist in writing
      3. Disability must be caused by a permanent impairment and substantially reduce your functional capacity
      4. You must have tried all reasonable available treatment options

    3. Report Preparation: Depending on how long you have been a client at NJB Hypermobility Services, our physiotherapists may not require additional information prior to completing the letter. However, in some circumstances a short telehealth appointment (15-30 minutes) to clarify information may be necessary. Questionnaires and objective outcome measures are not completed.

    4. Waitlist and Timeline: Please allow one month from your request for the letter to be completed.

At Not Just Bendy Hypermobility Services, our process for creating NDIS Supporting Evidence Reports is thorough and personalized. Here’s how we work:

    1. Getting to Know You: Our physiotherapists spend time understanding your unique situation. This initial phase is crucial for us to provide a report that truly reflects your needs. Regular attendance in physiotherapy is vital for a strong NDIS application.
    2. Eligibility Assessment: You must satisfy the following:
      • Under age 65
      • An official diagnosis from a medical specialist
      • The disability must be permanent and have a significant impact on your function
      • You must have tried all reasonable available treatment options
    3. Report Preparation: At this stage we will give you a variety of forms to fill in including questionnaires about your function and some forms detailing some info about your social situation, diagnosis, and previous treatment you have received.  It is important for you to return this info to us in a timely manner so we can put you on the waiting list for the report interviews.  We can assist you in this process if you need at our standard hourly rate or you can get a family member or friend to assist you.
    4. Waitlist and Timeline: If your physiotherapist is unable to take on the report due to capacity, we refer you to a member of our team who specializes in NDIS report writing.   Currently, we have a waitlist exceeding three months before we can start report interviews. The timeline for completing the report may extend a few more months, depending on your availability and our commitments.
    5. Interviews & Assessments: This is when we start the interview process to get everything we need for the report.  This discussion can take between 1-4 hours depending on your complexity and ability to answer questions.  We also prefer all reports to have objective measures collected which can be done in the clinic or by your local physiotherapist.
    6. Completed report: Will be sent on receipt of final payment.  There is capacity for correction of inaccuracies and spelling errors.  But we ask that you communicate any changes with us clearly in email within 2 weeks of receiving your report.  If your presentation changes prior to the report completion any additional changes will need to be paid at our hourly rate.

Service Component
Payment Timing

First Info Gathering Session

1-hour session with the physiotherapist for initial information gathering (telehealth or in clinic)


On the day of the session

Second Info Gathering Session

Another 1-hour session with the physiotherapist for comprehensive information gathering (telehealth or in clinic)


On the day of the session

Objective Assessment

37-minute session in rooms for objective data collection and testing


On the day of the session

Report Writing and Adjustments

Preparation and writing of the 20–30-page report, including up to 30 minutes for emails, discussion, and minor report adjustments


50% deposit before writing begins, balance prior to draft report delivery

Total Estimated Cost


$1320 **


Note: The cost for Report Writing now includes the time allocated for review and adjustments. Some individuals may require more time for the info gathering sessions, which will be at cost to the individual. Forms will be provided to reduce the time required with your physiotherapist. Ensuring these forms are completed with adequate detail will further reduce the time required.

**The above costs are indicative and are based on the $230 per hour which is the price level for our senior physiotherapists. For more info on our pricing tiers please visit: https:// 


Disability Support Pension (DSP) – Supporting Letters

We can assist with providing short supporting letters if you are requiring additional evidence for your DSP application. These letters include:

    • An outline of your condition/s.
    • Briefly explain which medical/allied health disciplines you have or had attended.
    • Briefly explains the functional impact of your condition/s.
    • Completion of Impairment Tables, for your assessment of ability to work.

These letters currently cost the hourly rate of your therapist and are estimated to take one hour although extra time may be necessary and can take approximately one month to be provided. Payment must be provided prior to commencement of the letter.