I am a physiotherapist in Brisbane with a special interest in hypermobility related connective tissue disorders so most of the clients I see have hypermobile-Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Hypermobility spectrum disorder or Asymptomatic Generalised Hypermobility.
I have observed in my clinical practice that around 90% of symptomatic hypermobility clients have hip or pelvic issues. Common complaints are locking, giving way, clunking, popping, incontinence and pain. There are many different structures that contribute to these issues including the joints (Hip, Sacro-Iliac Joint (SIJ) and Pubic Symphysis), the soft tissues (muscles and their tendons), the nerves and also referred pain from the low back and other structures.
It is not overly surprising that hip/pelvic complaints are common, as many hypermobile people have lots of painful areas throughout their body but in my opinion, rehabilitation of the muscular control around the hip, pelvis and low back is pivotal to improved quality of life and maintenance/improvement of function in simple and complex hypermobile clients…..
To read more please visit my guest blog on great Australian site Hypermobility Connect